Many2Many 多对多字段
为了能给 Bangumi 打标签,我们还需要一个 Tag
模型,同样的在 models 下新建
,并且定义 Tag
class Tag(models.Model):
_name = 'bangumi.tag'
_description = 'Bangumi tag'
name = fields.Char(string='Name', required=True)
user_id = fields.Many2one(
'res.users', string='User', required=True,
default=lambda self: self.env.uid
别忘了将在 models/
中加入 from . import tag
这次的 user_id
的默认值我们使用 lambda
由于 Bangumi
(番剧) 与 Tag
(标签) 是多对多的关系,所以需要用到 Many2many 字段。
我们分别在两个模型上都加上,Many2many (多对多) 字段。
class Bangumi(models.Model):
_name = 'bangumi.bangumi'
_description = 'Bangumi'
name = fields.Char(string='Name', required=True)
total = fields.Integer(string='Total', required=True)
already_seen = fields.Integer(string='Already seen', default=0)
score = fields.Float(string='Score', required=True, default=0.0)
category_id = fields.Many2one(
'bangumi.category', string='Category', required=False
tag_ids = fields.Many2many(
'bangumi.tag', 'bangumi_bangumi_tag_rel',
'bangumi_id', 'tag_id',
string='Bangumi Tags'
class Tag(models.Model):
_name = 'bangumi.tag'
_description = 'Bangumi tag'
name = fields.Char(string='Name', required=True)
user_id = fields.Many2one(
'res.users', string='User', required=True,
default=lambda self: self.env.uid
bangumi_ids = fields.Many2many(
'bangumi.bangumi', 'bangumi_bangumi_tag_rel',
'tag_id', 'bangumi_id',
string='Tag Bangumi Set'
⚠️ Many2many 的字段命名规则与 One2many 命名规则相同,名称都是以 _ids
Many2many 主要由以下几个属性组成:
这个字段名称会在关系数据表中生成,代表当前模型数据的 id。
这个字段名称会在关系数据表中生成,代表目标模型数据的 id。
接下来还是进入到命令行中验证我们定义的 Many2many 字段,首先创建一些数据:
In [2]: tags = env['bangumi.tag'].create([{'name': 'warm blood'}, {'name': 'science fiction'}, {'name': 'fight'}])
In [3]: tags
Out[3]: bangumi.tag(1, 2, 3)
In [2]: tags = env['bangumi.tag'].create([{'name': 'warm blood'}, {'name': 'science fiction'}, {'name': 'fight'}])
In [3]: tags
Out[3]: bangumi.tag(1, 2, 3)
In [4]: bangumi_set = env['bangumi.bangumi'].search([])
In [5]: bangumi_set
Out[5]: bangumi.bangumi(1, 2)
In [6]: bangumi_set.write({'tag_ids': tags.ids})
Out[6]: True
In [7]: bangumi_set.ids
Out[7]: [1, 2]
In [8]:
In [9]: bangumi_set[0].tag_ids
Out[9]: bangumi.tag()
In [10]: bangumi_set[0].tag_ids.mapped(lambda r:
Out[10]: []
⚠️ 注意这种写法在 Odoo 10 会直接报错,Odoo 12 并没有抛出异常,但是数据依然无法写入。
可以发现数据根本没有写进去,这是为什么呢?查看以下官方对 Many2many 字段的描述:
One2many and Many2many use a special “commands” format to manipulate the set of records stored in/associated with the field.
This format is a list of triplets executed sequentially, where each triplet is a command to execute on the set of records. Not all commands apply in all situations. Possible commands are:
(0, _, values) adds a new record created from the provided value dict.
(1, id, values)
updates an existing record of id id with the values in values. Can not be used in create().
(2, id, _)
removes the record of id id from the set, then deletes it (from the database). Can not be used in create().
(3, id, _)
removes the record of id id from the set, but does not delete it. Can not be used on One2many. Can not be used in create().
(4, id, _)
adds an existing record of id id to the set. Can not be used on One2many.
(5, , )
removes all records from the set, equivalent to using the command 3 on every record explicitly. Can not be used on One2many. Can not be used in create().
(6, _, ids)
replaces all existing records in the set by the ids list, equivalent to using the command 5 followed by a command 4 for each id in ids.
Values marked as _ in the list above are ignored and can be anything, generally 0 or False.
从文档中的描述中可以看出,不止是 Many2many 字段,包括 One2many 字段在写入操作时都比较特殊。总的来说一共有7
(0, _, values)
增加一条未创建的数据到 X2many 字段中,并且以 value 字典中的值作为这个新数据的值。其中下划线的值可以为 0 或 False。
In [11]: bangumi_set[0].write({'tag_ids': [(0, 0, {'name': 'magic'})]}) Out[11]: True In [12]: bangumi_set[0].tag_ids.mapped(lambda r: Out[12]: ['magic']
(1, id, values)
更新一个已经存在的并且关联的值的数据,不能用在 create 方法中。
In [13]:bangumi_set[0] Out[13]: 4 In [14]: bangumi_set[0].write({'tag_ids': [(1, 4, {'name': 'Magic'})]}) Out[14]: True In [15]: bangumi_set[0].tag_ids.mapped(lambda r: Out[15]: ['Magic']
(2, id, _)
移除一个已经关联的数据,并且将这条数据从数据库中删除,不能用在 create 方法中。
In [16]: bangumi_set[0].write({'tag_ids': [(2, 4, 0)]}) 2019-01-14 16:27:30,601 62971 INFO odoo odoo.models.unlink: User #1 deleted bangumi.tag records with IDs: [4] Out[16]: True In [17]: bangumi_set[0].tag_ids.mapped(lambda r: Out[17]: []
(3, id, _)
移除一个已经关联的数据,但不将这条数据从数据库中删除,不能用在 create 方法中。
In [18]: bangumi_set[0].write({'tag_ids': [(0, 0, {'name': 'magic'})]}) Out[18]: True In [19]: bangumi_set[0] Out[19]: 5 In [20]: bangumi_set[0].write({'tag_ids': [(3, 5, 0)]}) Out[20]: True In [21]: bangumi_set[0].tag_ids.mapped(lambda r: Out[21]: []
(4, id, _)
增加一个已经创建的数据到 Many2many 字段中,One2Many 不可用。
In [22]: tags = env['bangumi.tag'].search([]) In [23]: tags[0] Out[23]: bangumi.tag(1,) In [24]: bangumi_set[0].write({'tag_ids': [(4, 1, 0)]}) Out[24]: True In [25]: bangumi_set[0].tag_ids.mapped(lambda r: Out[25]: ['warm blood']
(5, _, _)
移除 Many2many 中的所有关联字段,但是并不从数据库中删除它们,不能用于 One2many 中。
In [26]: tags = env['bangumi.tag'].search([]) In [27]: for tag in tags: ...: bangumi_set[0].write({'tag_ids': [(4,, 0)]}) ...: In [28]: bangumi_set[0].tag_ids.mapped(lambda r: Out[28]: ['warm blood', 'science fiction', 'fight', 'magic'] In [29]: bangumi_set[0].write({'tag_ids': [(5, 0, 0)]}) Out[29]: True In [30]: bangumi_set[0].tag_ids.mapped(lambda r: Out[30]: []
(6, 0, ids)
用新的集合替换已经关联的 Many2many 集合,但不删除旧的数据。
In [31]: bangumi_set[0].write({'tag_ids': [(4, 1, tags[0].id)]}) Out[31]: True In [32]: bangumi_set[0].tag_ids.mapped(lambda r: Out[32]: ['warm blood'] In [33]: bangumi_set[0].write({'tag_ids': [(6, 0, tags[1:].ids)]}) Out[33]: True In [34]: bangumi_set[0].tag_ids.mapped(lambda r: Out[34]: ['science fiction', 'fight']
Odoo 的 X2many 字段的写入设计的比较奇特,但是正是这样的设计,使得一对多和多对多字段能够批量进行修改,并且非常的灵活。